The film follows Myers continuing his murderous rampage in his hometown of Haddonfield when his childhood house is used for a live internet horror show.
Rating (51,089)
Failed Mix of Halloween and Reality Television. Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) is now in an asylum, where she awaits the inevitable return of Michael Myers.
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Halloween: Resurrection

R · 2002 ‧ Horror/Slasher ‧ 1h 34m
3.9/10 · IMDb 10% · Rotten Tomatoes 19% · Metacritic
The original house of horrors, the dilapidated home of infamous serial killer Michael Myers, has now become the set of a webcam reality show. But when the veteran slasher discovers that a group of university students has taken over his old killing...
Release date: July 12, 2002 (USA)
Director: Rick Rosenthal
Story by: Larry Brand
Budget: 15 million USD
Based on: Characters Created; by Debra Hill; John Carpenter

$8.00 Rating (1,410) · 30-day returns
Resurrection picks up the thread of Halloween: H2O, with poor Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) now in a psychiatric hospital and determined to shut down ...
Oct 30, 2024 · The year is 2002. The world is a different place. We've got dial-up internet, flip phones, and a little film called Halloween: Resurrection.
Halloween: Resurrection (2002) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Rating (70)
When a group of teens win a contest to spend a night in Michael Myers' childhood home to be broadcast live on the Internet, they believe they are in for a ...
Oct 26, 2024 · The writing for HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION struggles–plenty of odd or flat-out poor choices–but it also possessed moments of brilliance that cannot be denied.
Sep 25, 2017 · The movie is the best example of milking the franchise for all its worth even if it means ruining a great ending in h20.
Serial Killer Michael Myers is not finished with Laurie Strode, and their rivalry finally comes to an end. But is this the last we see of Myers?