Halloween III: Season of the Witch is a 1982 American science fiction horror film and the third installment in the Halloween film series.
Rating (63,781)
Kids all over America want Silver Shamrock masks for Halloween. Doctor Daniel Challis seeks to uncover a plot by Silver Shamrock owner Conal Cochran.
People also ask
Why is Michael Myers not in Halloween 3?
John Carpenter didn't plan on having Michael Myers in another Halloween movie, only the first. He wanted a different Halloween related story each time, but after the first Halloween (1978) was a success, producers forced him to use Myers again. He did, but killed off Myers and Loomis to be done with them.
Is Halloween 3 worth watching?
On its Own, Its Pretty Solid. The movie gets a bad rep for being a Halloween sequel. However, on its own as a b movie, I think its enjoyable. It is a little cheesy and doesn't really hold up well, but I think its a fun time.
Why is Halloween 3 different from the rest?
Halloween 3 is a completely different, unrelated movie. None of the characters, settings or story is related to the other Halloween movies. It has nothing at all to do with the rest of the series of movies, so if you don't want to watch it you lose absolutely nothi g from the Michael Myers saga.
Does Halloween 3 have Laurie?
Laurie appears in the twist ending of the comic book Halloween III: The Devil's Eyes. While examining Loomis' diaries in the hopes of finding out more about Michael Myers, an adult Tommy Doyle and Lindsey Wallace are attacked by a person dressed as Michael.

Halloween III: Season of the Witch

R · 1982 ‧ Horror/Sci-fi ‧ 1h 39m
5.2/10 · IMDb 51% · Rotten Tomatoes 50% · Metacritic
Hospital emergency room Dr. Daniel "Dan" Challis (Tom Atkins) and Ellie Grimbridge (Stacey Nelkin), the daughter of a murder victim, uncover a terrible plot by small-town mask maker Conal Cochran (Dan O'Herlihy), a madman who's planning a...
Release date: October 22, 1982 (USA)
Budget: 4.6 million USD and 2.5 million USD
Prequel: Halloween II
Distributed by: Universal Pictures
Rating (35)
A madman who's planning a Halloween mass murder utilizing an ancient Celtic ritual. The ritual involves a boulder stolen from Stonehenge.
Oct 30, 2022 · It was a failed experiment. John Carpenter had the idea that he could turn the Halloween franchise into an annual horror movie series, with ...
$230.00 Rating (5,383) · 30-day returns
John Carpenter presents the third chilling film in the Halloween franchise! When a terrified toy salesman is mysteriously attacked and brought to the hospital.
Oct 27, 2022 · The only Halloween without Michael Myers. When asked to shape a third Halloween film, John Carpenter and Debra Hill were hesitant to be involved ...
Oct 31, 2024 · Halloween III: Season of the Witch is the best entry in the classic series, thanks to its creative break from tradition and chilling ...
Oct 19, 2022 · The main idea of the film would be “witchcraft meets the computer age.” They brought in Joe Dante ( Gremlins) to direct, and hired the ...
Halloween III: Season of the Witch is a 1982 American horror film and the third installment in the Halloween series.